bluemoood2006-05-19 19:03:53
2005年9月递交,今年5月11号转移到NSC Lincoln office. 今天收到如下消息。请教大侠:现在排期是按原先递交的日子(RD),或通知的日子(ND),还是按照转移到NSC的日子(05/11/2006)计算?

此外,NSC目前在处理March 08/2006前递交的案子。从VSC转移过去的案子是否有可能优先处理?感谢!

Current Status:

On May 19, 2006, your I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER was received here for processing. It is taking between 150 and 180 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete.
justlikebefore2006-05-19 21:09:30