爱吃冰棍儿2006-05-26 17:42:23
几天前查status,说140(Perm EB2) 5/17从VSC转到NSC了.今天再看,发现这么说:

On May 24, 2006, we received this case back from the Department of State for further review. We will mail you a notice when our review is complete or when we take other action.

啥意思?啥叫received this case back?是说我的case又回到VSC了?这里头的"We"是VSC,NSC,还是谁?

另外,其它几位说的重新set了rd date的情况,我的这里头没提.都没说那个多少多少天process.
2006GC2006-05-27 01:25:29
回复:奇怪的140update. 哪位高人给看看这个是啥意思.谢谢!
爱吃冰棍儿2006-05-27 03:37:02
xiaobaitu2006-05-27 06:30:37
slowrabbit2006-05-27 16:09:02
回复:回复:奇怪的140update. 哪位高人给看看这个是啥意思.谢谢!
2006GC2006-05-28 18:21:14
xiaobaitu2006-05-30 05:09:12
NVC belong to DOS