julydue2006-05-26 18:15:18
My I-140 got security check since submitted in October 2005 to TSC. That's rare. Does anyone know something about it? Anyone has idea how long it will take and how we can speed up the progress?

Very appreciate.
四月花2006-05-26 18:30:11
回复:HELP: I-140 security check
DaNiuNiu2006-05-26 19:14:35
julydue2006-05-26 19:33:33
The attorney said
tiantian20052006-05-26 20:50:07
回复:HELP: I-140 security check
DUDE20062006-05-26 21:04:57
回复:HELP: I-140 security check
dude20062006-05-26 21:05:47
I think it's called IBIS check.
julydue2006-05-27 11:50:31
no, we file I-140 only
julydue2006-05-27 11:51:37
Then how long it take?