winterwawa2006-06-01 14:46:55
If the H1 B application was revoked before, does INS still have all the application record?

including resume, all the forms.

What if my resume for new H1 B is different from the old one?

Thank you.

radiology2006-06-01 15:26:35
回复:keep all old eletronic documents, which is easy to be
winterwawa2006-06-01 15:40:59
回复:回复:but it is a new H1B this time.
radiology2006-06-01 15:53:26
回复:可能有记录,但你担心什么?count what? 没有批准
winterwawa2006-06-01 17:19:08
回复:but should I mention that I applied before?