greenwave2004-01-08 20:01:00
> I entered US in Sep.2002 on H4 and changed to F1 in Dec. 2003(approved). Do I need to change back to H4 to join my hu*****and's green-card percedure? Will F1 affect my joining of I-485 later? And, if I change back to H4, can I pay resident tuition right after the new H4 got approved without waitting for another 1 year?

2> My hu*****and's RIR labor certificate was put back to regular percedure in CA last August. Actually his company is in NY and he works for its office covering CA. They also have office and factories in Denver. Is is possible to submit another RIR in NY or anywhere else? Will it helpful? Thanks!!


我见2004-01-09 11:52:00
回复:F1 和 R1R 的问题