Capricorn20062006-06-20 17:18:28
I have recently quitted my job in US and landed to Canada as an immigrant. I was on h1b visa in US and still have 1 year and 3 months left before it expires. But I applied and got US visiting visa after I landed in Canada. The question is, can I still return back to US and continue with my previous H1b if I got an offer from US Company? Or can i only return back to the same employer i quitted in US if they would hire me back? My wife is working in US now so I would like to know if it is still possible for me to work in US again. Really appreciate the answer.
NRG22006-06-20 17:47:03
GCLuck2006-06-20 17:49:00
回复:how to return back to US after quitting job in US (H1B)