tita2006-06-21 04:48:26


L-1 visas are for those persons who:
have worked outside the United States for one continuous year within the proceeding three years on a full time basis have worked for a “qualifying organization” outside the United States as an executive, manager or in a “specialized knowledge” are being transferred to the United States on to work for a subsidiary, branch or affiliate business in the United States.

Two types of L-1 Visas: L-1A and L-1B
L-1A visas are issued for employees working in an executive or managerial capacity whereas L-1B visas are those persons with specialized knowledge.

Duration of L-1A and L-1B Visas
Eligible L-1 Businesses
Getting a Green Card from an L-1A
L-1 Visas for Canadians

Duration of L-1A and L-1B Visas
L-1A visas (managers or executives) are valid for a total period of seven years from the date of issuance. This visa may be extended if one resides in and commutes from Canada or Mexico to the United States for employment.L-1B visas (specialized knowledge workers) are valid for a total period of five years. Again, if one is a commuter, this period may be extended.

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Eligible L-1 Businesses
L-1 visas are available to employees working for companies outside the United States that have BRANCHES, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES OR JOINT VENTURE PARNERS in the United States.Each type of business relationship is precisely defined by the INS and legal advice is required to determine whether the business relationship complies with the INS definitionIt is also important to note that the foreign business outside the U.S. must continue to operate during the L-1 transfer to the United States. This means that while the foreign worker is in the United States pursuant to the L-1 visa, the business outside the United States must be ongoing. The foreign business outside the United States should therefore retain at least one employee abroad during the duration of the L-1 visa status.

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Getting a Green Card from an L-1A
Persons holding or persons who are eligible for a L-1A visa as an Executive or Manager may qualify for an employment based green card. In addition, you also can apply for a green card without having to undergo the rigorous process of Labor Certification which involves proving that there are no U.S. workers who can fill the position offered by the U.S employer.

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L-1 Visas for Canadians
Canadians have the benefit through NAFTA, of applying for L-1 visas at a U.S/Canadian port of entry rather than having to petition to an INS Service Center. This means that the Canadian employee can take all his or her documentation to a U.S. boarder and obtain his visa on the spot!

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