AP_question2006-06-26 04:20:35
Hi, my friends,
我的1-140 最近从VSC transfer 到 NSC。现在我想申请advanced parole. 我想我应该发到NSC。

从 http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/nebraska/aboutus.htm, 有一句话“
Forms I-131, Application for Travel Document (Except Applications For Advance Parole), are filed with the Nebraska Service Center.”。这是什么意思呢?我申请AP,填的就是1-131。下面又给出了file 1-131的地址。我能用这个地址吗?


pipi112006-06-26 06:49:42
AP 是 travel documents (I131)的一种
n3v42006-06-26 12:01:58
回复:Have you filed I485? You have to file I485 to apply AP.
AP_question2006-06-26 16:49:46
Yes, I filed I485 along with 1-140.
n3v42006-06-26 18:09:15
回复:File I-131 to NSC