shandong19732006-06-28 05:03:23
我们前些天打电话查询有关name check的进度,他们说一月之内给回信。我们是EB1a,加州中心,已过排期。下面是他们的回信,请各位大侠给分析一下什么意思,是我们的485正被处理呢?还是指name check?多谢。

The files are being reviewed by an officer at this time. If all is in
order, a decision should be made within 60 days or a request for additional notice will be mailed out.
na2006-06-28 05:53:56
shandong19732006-06-28 05:57:27
redneck20062006-06-28 06:11:03
When did u file I-485? Thanks.
shandong19732006-06-28 06:21:29
回复:When did u file I-485? Thanks.