hopefortomorrow2006-07-25 11:06:14
At what situation, one can H-1 transfet not a new H-1 application?
My case is like this:
My h-1 will expire next september (sep, 2007), and I have one year left for H-1 (it will be 6years on september, 2008), if I found a job by the end of this year (Dec, 2006), can I do H-1 transfer for a valid period around 1.5years (up to 6 years of total H-1) instead of several months (the valid date is same as my current H-1)?
I mean it is required that H-1 transfer has same valid period as one's current H-1? My ois when you can do H-1 transfer and what circumstance, oeople have to do a new H-1 application not a H-1 transfer?
I am in academic, I plan transfer to another university? Thanks
radiology2006-07-25 17:24:28
回复:you can apply new one other than transfer
hopefortomorrow2006-07-25 17:45:26
回复:回复:you can apply new one other than transfer
radiology2006-07-25 18:26:57
回复:you can work when u got receipt, if you work in university