hopefortomorrow2006-08-01 12:48:07
My H-1b extension has been filed around 1.5 months ago, until now I have not received the receipt yet. Is it normal? If I cannot receive receipt before the expiration date, can I still work? Is there any way to inquire? I called our ISO, they said right now have to wait for 3-4 month to get approval? Do you know any telephone number so I can call CIS? Thanks,
radiology2006-08-01 16:00:50
回复: H1延期一般用45-90天,你45天没有收到receipt是不
hopefortomorrow2006-08-01 16:10:32
Thanks, they cashed my check already. So I think they should rec
radiology2006-08-01 16:23:01
hopefortomorrow2006-08-01 16:44:45
Thanks, Which number is the case number? It seems my case has be
hopefortomorrow2006-08-01 16:52:00
Thanks, I found the case number. They received already. So what
radiology2006-08-01 17:26:47
hopefortomorrow2006-08-01 18:12:38
But either me or ISO of my university has not received the recei