perfectworld2006-08-04 20:13:17
I know the title is very confusing, let me try to make it clear:
1. I was using OPT before I changed to H1B status
2. Later I came back China temproraliy for visiting my parents and I applied H1B visa again.
3. NOW I might be assigned of staying in China for a few weeks due to my job. My friend told me that 因为我已经在国内申请过H1B,这次就不需要回国签证了,只需要把材料寄到NewYork,就可以在这里拿到H1B

请问,is it true? and If yes, how does it work?

I do appreciate for any help!
Suggest!!2006-08-04 20:49:38
The service had been cancelled for a long time
mytwocents2006-08-04 21:10:48
You have to leave to apply the H1 Visa.