度日如年2006-08-31 07:36:37
howdy2006-08-31 08:03:43
黑下多年,可以和美国公民结婚拿绿卡吗? Sure as long as
mytwocents2006-08-31 15:10:08
He also need to be inspected by a INS officer when entered the c
xiaobaitu2006-08-31 16:49:51
howdy2006-08-31 17:47:49
USCIS began to have jurisdiction over applicants who is an
xiaobaitu2006-08-31 18:53:34
As my understanding,removel procedure mean CIS refer
mytwocents2006-08-31 20:13:22
The regulations 8 CFR 245.1(c8) and 1245.1(c)(8) that put juridi
howdy2006-09-01 05:12:28
8.C.F.R 245.1 has been appealed.
howdy2006-09-01 05:14:40
Sorry, 8.C.F.R 245.1 has been repealled (not appealed).