roseindeepblue2006-09-19 20:33:02
I have a really embrasing question to ask you, hope you don't mind. I was working with different companies on H1-B visas and did multiple transfers. Last company I worked for, I started working there for a while and was let go because I could not keep up the work due to my pregnancy. I was unemployed through my pregnancy and delivery. I have good relationship with them, that company still wants to sponsor my H-1B status and it did not report to INS about my departure. Lately I just transferred to another company on H-1B. Is there a gap between my H1B visas? My hu*****and just thread me that he is going to call INS and get me deported because he does not want me to have custody of my 9 months old baby. Am I in trouble? What can I do? Please advise!

Thank you very much for your help!
roseindeepblue2006-09-19 20:58:46
He is GC.
roseindeepblue2006-09-19 21:24:07
Thank you very much! But
mytwocents2006-09-20 00:04:49
Materinity leave is protected by law.