i1312006-09-21 19:27:56
刚刚做完移民体检(I-693).医生说我缺乙肝疫苗(Hepatitis B),打了一针.但过一个月和五个月以后还要打另外2针.所以医生在疫苗表上(i-693 supplemental form)上
1) Hepatitis B 写了第一针的日期,然后随后勾了Insufficient Time interval 这一栏.
2) 然后在下面的section 3 上打勾是"applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) as indicated above.
3) 然后在I-693的主表上勾了 "Applicant is not current for recommended age-speficic immunizations and I have encouraged that appropriate immunizations be obtained".

1) 医生这样做是不是对的? 他是不是应该在"Applicant is current for recommended age-specific 上打勾,而不是在上面的3)上打勾?(因为我已经打了一针了)
2) 如果就这个表递到移民局去,会不会有问题?

sweetsweety2006-09-21 19:40:42
i was not asked to get 乙肝疫苗