jeo9872006-10-09 14:14:37
Approved Perm-EB2, position Sr. Electrical Engineer. Received I-140 REF for 48 months experiences.
If the former employer letter can show:
I was an associate professor at an university in China many years, but did research, projects for industry and published papers during economical reform in China. Some of them was published and got 60 references in US. The above works can show that I have done many jobs in Electrical engineering field.
Is the letter OK? If not, what should I do?
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your help very much.

radiology2006-10-09 16:03:06
回复:1)找封推荐信,介绍你在过去的一些工作, 2)找老单位
jeo9872006-10-09 20:20:49
回复:回复:1)找封推荐信,介绍你在过去的一些工作, 2)找老单位