dede'smom2006-10-19 02:47:53
I am due this Mid-Dec, hoping my parents to come help me. But their visa application in Beijing was just denied and they are giving a second try next week. A main reason was because of the fact that i got my re-entry visa in Canada last year when i went back to China. i wonder if anyone has similar experience and how i should explain this.
Another question is that: i just got my Green card last month. Should my parents present this fact to the visa officer? Or is it going to have a negative effect on their visa application?

Any response would be appreciated!

大西洋以西2006-10-19 06:15:43
回复:Parents' visa-What's the exact reason they denied your par
dede'smom2006-10-20 02:22:48
回复:回复:Parents' visa-What's the exact reason they denied yo