shj2006-10-19 13:52:08
I got the 8 recommendations:

4 from USA: 3 from my school;another one from USA, but other area.
1 from my superadvisor (chinese);
2 from europe;
1 from canada.
Do you think it is fine? Or I need to wait until other one or two american's recommendations. The thing I worry about is that only 4 recommendations are from americans. And the americans' recommendations are almost from the same area. Please give me some good idea, file right now, or wait (if I wait, I can get some more recommendations from other area of USA, but it will waste a lot of time).
NIWwaiting2006-10-19 14:06:09
回复:about NIW recommendation, file now or wait?
needwait..2006-10-19 14:39:21
8 is good enough. but..
shj2006-10-19 15:59:16
回复:8 is good enough. but..