10years2006-10-24 20:15:25
My friend holds L1. She has the following questions:
1. Is L1 needed to go through PERM(Labor)?
2. Which one (EB1 or EB2) L1 can apply?
3. What the requirements for L1 applying EB1?

Thanks a lot!
gdluck2006-10-24 20:22:15
回复:L1 help!
10years2006-10-24 21:50:36
回复:回复:L1 help!
L12006-10-24 23:25:28
注意是L1A还是L1B, L1B申请EB2还是要劳工卡
10years2006-10-25 14:54:51
回复:注意是L1A还是L1B, L1B申请EB2还是要劳工卡