wethankyourhelp2006-11-04 17:56:42
Hi, XiaoBaiTu,
Our GC case was going through an attorney and got LC and 140 approved. The PD became current in Nov bulletin. Three weeks ago, we collected all necessary material and gave to the attorney. We urged them a couple of times with no response. Now, they came back a short message about starting to prepare our case next week or so. The uncertainty is that they are not sure if they could get a draft to review the next two weeks. Which means, my 485 won't be surely filed by Nov. We are shocked and feel really frustrated. So, we come up an idea to file 485 by ourselves. I read a lot of posts on this website and requirements of filling 485, it seems that it is not too complicate to file by ourselves. LC was transferred from previous coworker's application. Not sure if company has contract with the law firm or not. Besides the contract, what else do you think we should be aware of? Have you heard any person did the LC/140 through a lawyer but filed 485 by himself? Do you think it is wise to do that? Thank you very much for your advice and suggestions. Really appreciate it.
xiaobaitu2006-11-04 18:19:02
someone did I-485 themselves base on I-140 & LC succefully
wethankyourhelp2006-11-04 19:32:37
回复:someone did I-485 themselves base on I-140 & LC succefully