zhl74902006-11-08 17:47:32
My OPT was approved earlier this year, which is valid from 06/01/06 to 05/31
Then I started to work from June, and applied H-1B. It was approved and
valid from 10/13/2006. So waht's my status now? Confused. Hope some Da Xia
can help me.

Also, my hu*****and just graduated and went to work in another state, far away
from my place. He is using his OPT now and wait until next April to apply
for H-1B. Can I just leave my current job and go to join him without any
application for changing status?
TX_Kitty2006-11-08 18:09:16
回复:求助小白兔或热心朋友们:What's my status, F1 with OPT or H1
zhl74902006-11-08 19:34:30
回复:回复:求助小白兔或热心朋友们:What's my status, F1 with OPT
TX_Kitty2006-11-08 19:46:59
your H4 will be valid from next OCT