bigfly2006-11-11 02:58:29
My current H1b visa will exipre in one month. Right now I got a another job. Should I I-539 form to extend my H1b visa for new job?
bigfly2006-11-11 03:06:40
Please help!!!
xiaobaitu2006-11-11 03:08:36
No,should use I-129 & I-129H,but only should do by
bigfly2006-11-11 03:32:42
他们寄I-539 让我签名
bigfly2006-11-11 03:34:27
cth1632006-11-11 05:39:18
I-539 is for your Spouse or Child to get H4.
cth1632006-11-11 05:40:59
I-129 do NOT need your signature.
bigfly2006-11-11 13:21:02