bigbat2006-12-02 14:45:09
I did my first fingerprint on May, 2005 and was asked to make the second print on December 2006. All the code were 3. Why USCIS ask me do it after more than 15 months? Is anyone has similar situation?
真搞不懂2006-12-02 15:50:56
请问你在2nd FP 之前, 有没有收到以下类似信息?
xiaobaitu2006-12-02 15:56:15
Previous one has expired
小叮当的侄女2006-12-02 16:26:38
bigbat2006-12-02 23:54:21
回复:请问你在2nd FP 之前, 有没有收到以下类似信息?