- 文学城
- [immigration]
485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 说我在毕业前在公司干活的那个学期是unauthorized employment, 其实我当时用的是CPT, 但是现在找不到有这个CPT record 的I-20 了. 怎么办呀??
已离开学校所在地好多年, 不知道还能不能从 International Student Office 那里弄到那个CPT authorization 的record, 如果学校不给或找不到, 我怎么办? 求学校出个证明信行不行? 还有什么办法能救485? 万一真拒了, 我还有什么options 吗?
着急中, 万分感谢大家的 any input!!!
They should have it or you can ask one more copy from USCIS if y
I guess the school didn't update my I-20 as they should, nor iss
i was on the same boat last month
the company should have your document
学校当年根本没有update我的I-20 for this CPT :(
去广州 = consular processing
回复:救命呀, 485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 怎么办!!
may i know which center is your case at? NSC or TSC?
回复:救命呀, 485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 怎么办!!
回复:救命呀, 485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 怎么办!!
回复:回复:救命呀, 485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 怎么办!!
The school made the mistake, they didn't update
回复:救命呀, 485 收到 Intent to Deny Notice, 怎么办!!