落雪飞花2006-12-26 14:53:42
正在给父母填写DS156表, 其中22项的提问是::”Have You Ever Been in The U.S.? FOR HOW LONG? ”.

我父母以前来过美国, 进关时给了6个月的时间, 他们呆了6个月差两天回去的. 我觉得我这次对上面的问题填写5 months 也不合适,写6 months, 又怕他们觉得我父母越期了. 最后写”Yes, a little bit less than 6 months”. . 大家觉得这种填法行吗? 有更好的建议吗?

让签证管觉得我父母以前是按期回来的对这次签过至关重要, 小女子叩谢所有回贴者!
MartinLu20033152006-12-26 15:10:39
6 months is not a problem
落雪飞花2006-12-26 15:23:37
谢谢! 可我担心这样填,签证官会以为我父母呆得超过了6个月
MartinLu20033152006-12-26 15:49:05
VO will check the passport, it will show everything. And
落雪飞花2006-12-26 16:07:01
落雪飞花2006-12-26 16:35:39
Martinlu20033152006-12-26 16:39:29
It should based on the I-94 to show how long you can stay
落雪飞花2006-12-26 17:29:52