needinghelp2006-12-26 17:09:19
My basic profile:

(1) Tenure track faculty member with a state university (in my second year) and Ph.D. from a US university;
(2) 3-4 journal articles and about 10 conference proceedings (all first author);
(3) Very little citations to my papers;
(4) Track chair and committee members of several international conferences;
(5) Reviewers for several journals;
(6) 5-6 recommendation letters;
(7) No significant rewards/prizes and outstanding memberships.

Do I have a chance if I apply under the category of EB1?


freecall2006-12-26 17:57:25
yes, eb1-b
needinghelp2006-12-26 18:08:35
回复:yes, eb1-b