fan1232007-01-27 22:43:41
请问小白兔,射线等各位 :

I-140申请递交两个月,已经收到received notice。今天突然发现I-140Part 4的第6项,Has any immigrant visa petition ever been filed by or on behalf of this person? 我应该添NO, 还是YES?

xiaobaitu2007-01-27 22:59:33
You should write to CIS ASAP,otherwise,they may think
fan1232007-01-27 23:26:05
Thank you Xiao Bai Tu! Two more questions
xiaobaitu2007-01-27 23:37:13
You should explain why you didn't put fact of the denial
fan1232007-01-27 23:59:30
Xiao Bei Tu, Please see, the fact is
xiaobaitu2007-01-28 00:09:26
Yeah,it's the fact,you didn't read the form before
fan1232007-01-28 00:45:12
Thank you sincerely Xiao Bai Tu.