dan7122004-02-25 02:25:40


手上有份tax treaty的copy,掉了几页,不知是不是Pub.901的第13页,上面写着:

China, People's Republic of
An individual who is a resident of the People's Republic of China and who is temporarily in the United States primarily to teach, lecture, or conduct research at a university or other accredited educational institution or scientific research institution is exempt from U.S. income tax on income for the teaching, lecturing, or research for a total of not more than 3 years.

This exemption does not apply to income from research carried on mainly for the private benefit of any person rather than in the public interest.
还有一问2004-02-25 02:58:11
dan7122004-02-25 03:25:27
还有一问2004-02-25 18:55:01