dashui2007-02-04 03:36:59
Eleven publications (seven first author), more than 100 citation (ISI). I140-EB1b Require for evidence by NSC.Received RFE

1. Articles or excerpts from trade publication or journal, in which the beneficiary’s achievement are commented by the peers.

I sent the additional of evidence: original paper in chinese and its english translation. An invitation letter from An English journal (SCI) for being thereviewing editor. Approved one week later
hengheng12007-02-04 05:02:39
How many criteria do you meet? could you pls share your qualific
dashui2007-02-04 05:25:22
回复:How many criteria do you meet? could you pls share your qu
hengheng12007-02-04 05:49:24
so, what other criteria did you meet besides publications?