dafawit2007-02-20 01:27:53
I am so sorry having been troubling you so much for 485 RFE.

Initially, my case seemed to be easy, but when I step into detail, I feel I have problem responding it properly.

The officer asked three things:

1. "complete the item(s) that are checked or circled on the attached applications or forms".

The officer attached a copy of part3 of the original I-485 form on which the items "your mother's first name" and "your father's first name" were checked.

In the original 485 form, I did fill in my parents' (who have never entered the US) first names correctly, and I don't understand why these areas were checked. The officer checked the same thing in my wife 485 RFE, but not in my kid's 485 RFE. How to answer it?

2. "you indicated that you were not inspected by the INS officer, please explain?".

As mentioned earlier, in the orginal 485 form I answered "No" to the question " Were you inspected by the US immigration officer" by mistake. As you advised earlier, I am going to use the orginal visa (F1, and F2 for my dependents) to verify that we were inspected by INS officer at the time when we entered the US.

But I just found that my entering visa (I-20, F1) bears an INS stamp, while my dependents' entering visa (I-20, F2) deoes not bear the stamp, although their passports and I-94 cards do bear INS stamps. Was anything carelessly negelected on my dependents' entering visa by the INS officer at the port? In this case, can I still copies of my dependents's entering visa to answer the question?

3. "provide a properly filled G-325 form"

I am currently away from my family and finish my current employment at the end of March and is looking for a new position (no offer yet).

I already changed my personal address three times in this city (filled AR-11 three times), my family moved once since last october in another city (filled AR-11).

Should I simply provide the original G-325 or provide an updated G-325 with my current personal address and employent information (I ted the original G-325 before I started my current position)? I definitely want all INS letter to go to my family address. My concern is that the new employment information has to be provided if an updated G-325 is ted, which could remind the officer two things: I am finishing my contract without a future offer, and my current address doesn't match my family address which will be provided in the new G-325.

Your advice is highly appreciated!

Have a wonderful PIG year!


xiaobaitu2007-02-20 01:37:50
I have answered your question,what's your new question?
Bluebear20072007-02-20 01:41:22
A Urgent question for XiaoBaitu. Thanks a lot in advance
xiaobaitu2007-02-20 01:48:55
If she got AP,even she already in China,no problem.
Dafawit2007-02-20 01:51:46
Could you please take a look at the first and the third one?
xiaobaitu2007-02-20 02:12:05
回复:跪求小白兔, 急
wudu2007-02-20 02:48:09
which center?
dafawit2007-02-20 03:02:31
回复:回复:跪求小白兔, 急
Dafawit2007-02-20 03:03:07
回复:which center?
wudu2007-02-20 03:05:02
don't panic, maybe you could consult with a good lawyer
Dafawit2007-02-20 03:11:59
Is a new job offer required?
gc-seeker2007-02-20 03:15:58
Call TSC or make infopass appointment for clarification
GC-Seeker2007-02-20 03:19:22
Sorry! should be CIS center I486 ted
Dafawit2007-02-20 03:30:54
Sorry, I don't understand you
GC-Seeker2007-02-20 03:56:17
回复:Sorry, I don't understand you
dafawit2007-02-20 04:00:32
回复:回复:Sorry, I don't understand you