- 文学城
- [immigration]
虽然广告上没有名字,可是有我的title,而且全公司就我这一个是这个title。工资写的清清楚楚,很update的,前几天刚加过的。要贴10天呢,虽然我说不介意,但还是怪怪的。已经有个同事过来说,让他们贴到其他地方啊。我说不知道,requirement是说贴high traffic area。HR就就贴到lunch rooms里了。我公司是老美公司,就我一个H1。费用是公司出,我想他们想省登报的钱或避免resume进来的麻烦吧。算了,为了这破GC,只好忍了。
yes,this is DOL law-required...
and they still need Newspaper AD for GC
oh...so this is for LC only? right? mine was filed one day befor
one day before PERM is effective
办LC不是需要在报纸上打广告吗?在公司的LUNCH ROOM也行啊?
晕!刚才去lunch room看了一眼,不看不知道一看吓一跳!
It is required: post AND advertisement
for the plastics, ignore all gossips :-)
try to add a new post, like a lunch menu to cover part of it :-)
thank you, sigh~ my boss is nice, but my company HR...死板啊~
be careful, there is CCTV:closed-circut-Television-Monitor:-)
回复:thank you, sigh~ my boss is nice, but my company HR...死板
唉~ 要贴10 buisness days or calendar days 呢? 今天第一天。
贴不贴不是我说了算。既然out of my control,就算了。hehe..