Jerry_Zhang2007-03-30 21:29:57

I got my social security statement and found that my date of birth was wrong. The local social security officer told me she cannot update it, because I am currently holding H-1B visa, but I am still a F-1 in their system. And since all the info came from INS, she needs to contact INS before she can make any change.

I filed my I-485 (NIW-based) in Aug, 2004 and I am just told by the INS that my security background check is still pending (I got my second FP done after the first one expired for 20 months. I had thought my NC is clear already). Does anyone know the social security check is part of NC? Do you think the wrong DOB in social security may affect the NC? BTW, the DOB on the H-1B is correct.
