smilingheart2007-04-02 04:38:11
Does anybody know what I should do in the following situation?

I got an offer in US recently. Before that I immigrant to Cananda 4 years ago and I am a Canadian already. In order to work in US, I need to apply TN visa.

However, I came to US 5 years ago as J-1 visa. I did not apply J-1 visa waiver at that time and went to Canada instead. I haven't come back to China since then. Does anybody know whether I can get the TN visa with no problem or not?

I checked the website for the information of J-1 waiver. It shows that no matter where you stay as a Chinese after you complete J-1 in US, in order to come back to US, you have to serve at original country for at least 2 years.

Now I am a Canadian already. Should I still need to apply for J-1 Waiver before get a job in US? If so, as a Canadian, how can I apply waiver in China? Has anybody have similar experience to share?

Thank you so much in advance!
iceui2007-04-02 04:58:03
of course you need a J-1 waiver
VB2007-04-02 18:31:12
You can get TN visa without any waver
VB2007-04-02 18:32:23
回复:You can get TN visa without any waver