newman2004-03-05 15:19:29
Could anyone resolve this problem:

For Nebraska Service Center:
According to the US Immigration Office website, for I-485 it needs 570-600 days after the application received. But its website also says that the proccessing dates for cases is 9/30/2001, this means that it needs about 1000 days (9/30/2001 - 3/4/2004).

What is right?

Referent websites:

GCwaiting2004-03-05 17:33:27
回复:I-485 Processing Time Line
newman2004-03-05 17:54:22
回复:回复:I-485 Processing Time Line
GCwaiting2004-03-05 18:15:14
回复:回复:回复:I-485 Processing Time Line
newman2004-03-05 18:28:21
回复:回复:回复:回复:I-485 Processing Time Line
laoman12004-03-05 22:50:38
usually more than 750 days
afeiya..2004-03-06 17:29:19
i have one question