NSC-RFE2007-04-02 16:46:09
NSC just enjoy giving out RFE for the Premium Processing cases.

It takes months to response the RFE and another two months to get being processed again.

Wasting Money.

Is there any one got RFE from Officer "EX001" from NSC?

He just copied and listed all the criteria for Eb1b in my RFE letter.
pditty2007-04-02 18:21:32
回复:They also enjoy $1000
EB1b2007-04-02 20:30:19
回复:Eb1b PP got RFE from NSC
NSC-RFE2007-04-02 20:34:50
回复:回复:Eb1b PP got RFE from NSC
EB1b2007-04-02 21:25:47
Did your HR's petition letter detailed list qualifications?