aftercard2007-04-11 19:48:47
FBI name check 之我见 发牢骚 抱怨;诉苦;抗议 ALL 怪你 parent give you a very common name.
Or you worked for a sensitivity place in China.
Or you are in EB1 or EB2. You are great, you don’t need LC, you are NIW. File 485 right the way. Then you got stuck in NC.
I think most EB3 have the NC smooth. But they spend long time in LC, backlog center.

Life is fair, no short cut.
大卷草纸2007-04-11 19:56:59
有朋友是少数民族,名字罕见之极,同样STUCK NC。难说
aftercard2007-04-11 20:00:58
少数民族, they must close to 新疆, they are muslin
aftercard2007-04-11 20:07:12
少数民族,how about this 乌萨玛·本·穆罕默德·本·阿瓦德·本·
大卷草纸2007-04-11 20:31:05
大卷草纸2007-04-11 20:31:44
aftercard2007-04-11 20:33:05
the FBI does not know 川东 or west
aftercard2007-04-11 20:35:48
川东川西? some people in Tebit are trouble for China
aftercard2007-04-11 20:38:30
plus who knows waht will make them think
lander2007-04-11 22:52:07
lander2007-04-11 22:54:07