绿蘑菇2007-05-07 15:33:29
最近刚换了工作,拿了新的I-797.听朋友说去加拿大签H1B可以拿到有效期长于3个月的,多次入境的VISA STAMP。问了公司律师,说在哪里签都应该是3个月两次。请问到底有没有可能在加拿大拿到多次入境的H1B VISA STAMP?工作要求经常去国外出差,如果能解决了这个ENTRY的问题就是最好了。计划是7月份去加拿大登陆(已经办好移民,但是还不打算马上去工作),如果确实有拿到多次ENTRY的可能,想顺便去美国使馆办这事。
fairrc2007-05-07 17:50:14
Yes, you can get M entries! I did it.
绿蘑菇2007-05-07 17:57:41
回复:Yes, you can get M entries! I did it.
xiaoduo2007-05-07 19:05:17
most likely, NO. and be prepare for 3-weeks background check
xiaoduo2007-05-07 19:05:58
background check if apply in china
绿蘑菇2007-05-07 19:15:58
回复:background check if apply in china
pingponglover2007-05-07 20:59:31
回复:回复:Yes, you can get M entries! I did it.
绿蘑菇2007-05-07 21:28:40
Thank you so much!!
fairrc2007-05-08 18:05:10
NO other request, officer will give you. I did it last Apr.