mission082007-05-22 07:40:47
The U.S. Senate is in the midst of an unprecedented attack
on the basic rights of American citizens with close family
members overseas. If passed, this bill will strip American
citizens of their ability to sponsor any child who has reached
age 21, bar citizens from ever sponsoring their siblings, and
cut the quota for parents by half. This bill would also cancel
sponsorship applications that American citizens have already
filed and paid for over the past two years.

Go to: http://www.80-20initiative.net/petition.html to sign
80-20's Petition, strongly urging legislators to abandon this
effort to eliminate family immigration categories, and we will
not forget those in Congress of either party who vote to deny
Americans our cherished right to reunite with our families.

If America's enduring focus on family is abandoned, fewer
talented and skilled people will want to come to a country that
forces them to be separated from their families permanently.
It has been the family unification feature in our immigration
law that has built the foundation of our Asian American
community today. Immigrant families thrive and prosper by
members pooling their resources and caring for each other.

As Americans who remember and respect our immigrant
roots, we strenuously protest this ill-conceived proposal that
utterly disregards the contributions that immigrant families
have made to this country throughout its history. It makes a
mockery of the family values that we cherish and uphold.

Pass this to your friends and relatives and urge all
Americans to voice your strong objections to this inhumane,
unjust and anti-family proposal and its devastating

Kathleen To
80-20 PAC, Inc.

Question1002007-05-22 10:23:30
回复:Call To Action (ZT)
mission082007-05-22 17:42:35
回复:回复:Call To Action (ZT)