yibiaoking2007-06-04 17:00:12
我持H-1签证, 她妈妈持J-1. 我们数年前离婚, 当时女儿由妈妈扶养. 去年她妈妈也来了美国. 今年三月份她妈妈邀请女儿探亲被拒. 我们想让她再试一次. 请问是我单独邀请好还是我们共同邀请好? 先谢谢了.
xiaobaitu2007-06-04 17:56:48
Almost same
needwait..2007-06-04 18:07:49
Usually, they will let one of parents back to apply visa togethe
yibiaoking2007-06-04 18:19:09
回复:Usually, they will let one of parents back to apply visa toge
yibiaoking2007-06-04 18:43:47
回复:Almost same
yibiaoking2007-06-04 19:23:54
回复:Almost same-xiaobaitu, are you still there