soursop2007-06-18 22:21:02
My situation is I have my previous company(company A) filed 140/485 for me and they are both pending. And my current company(B) filed 140 for me and it was approved and I'm planning to file 485 for company B.

I understand that I need to use the same A# for company B's 485. But will USCIS doubt my intention to work for both companies if I don't withdraw company A's 485 in this case? Will filing two 485 for two different company bring any confusion/interview/delay to my cases?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me with this question!
xiaobaitu2007-06-18 22:35:21
You don't have to withdraw previous I-485,if you like
soursop2007-06-18 22:40:51
XiaoBaiTu, Thanks a lot for your reply!! However, one more quest
xiaobaitu2007-06-18 23:25:19
under AC 21,you may change your job after I485 filing 180 days
soursop2007-06-19 02:23:31
Thanks a lot for your clarification!!