gc20202007-06-23 02:14:43
most of the time i respect your devotion to this forum, but you are really really paranoid about this CCP issue.

I just found an old post by you. Outragous is the only word i can think of. Here I quote your comments of 485 CCP filers:

我觉得你的担心可以理解,但没有必要。我认为如实填写最多是被要求面谈解释清楚而已。 unquote.

I'm amazed and speechless here. Which corner or dead end do you want to push these CCP applicants to?

I thought you've decided to sign off permanently about this ccp issue because everybody here had gotten your point.

Please continue to offer your professional meaningful input.
toosad2007-06-23 03:15:36
撒谎不脸红的不是小白兔, 倒成了伪光正?
M760512007-06-23 03:31:57
please stop saying bad words about XiaoBaiTu
yeeha2007-06-23 03:34:10
pipipip2007-06-23 04:11:33
echoman2007-06-23 05:21:12
his words may hurt you, but Most of his words are true
gccanada2007-06-23 05:56:59