threehair2007-06-29 06:36:11
主申请人七月份会递485,可是副申请人材料不全,可能要八月份才能递485。问题是,如果八月份又重新开始排期,副申请人还可以递485么?还是要等到主申请人的PD再次becomes current?

Bodd2007-06-29 12:18:09
Of course you have to wait if that happens. Sorry to say that.
threehair2007-06-29 14:06:02
回复:Of course you have to wait if that happens. Sorry to say that
pjiang2007-06-29 14:58:00
副申请人可以迟递485, and will not pull back the primary one
threehair2007-06-29 15:20:08
回复:副申请人可以迟递485, and will not pull back the primary one