inforeader2007-07-02 19:40:36
My lawyer just told me on the phone, said that they were still preparing all documents trying to get applications ready to file, and AILA was preparing to file the lawsuit -- there might still be remote possibility that judge might issue an order asking USCIS to accept eligible applications in July anyway. They're still "waiting for new updates until the end of this week"...
manbepositive2007-07-02 19:46:13
Thanks!Please keep us posted!
gc20202007-07-02 19:46:31
agree. u'r not a victim&petitioner if it's never been filed
宝宝一2007-07-02 19:48:37
让我门都希望奇迹出现吧!我也PUT GREAT HOPE!
suzieQ2007-07-02 19:54:18
回复:Strong support the AILA. Send our complaint to the Senators.
爱听鸟2007-07-02 19:57:13
回复:My Lawyer Just told Me -- Still Remote Possibility