TSC1402004-04-12 16:51:27
I just finished physical examination. I had no chance to read the report, but the Doctor told me I am fine and gave me the sealed report. He said if I didn't pass the examination, they would not issue the report. That's true or not? Because I am too busy these days, when the Doctor did the examination, my blood pressure was found a little bit higher than normal. The Doctor said is OK, but I don't know if he will record this in my report and whether this will affect my GC? Thank you very much for your information.
youworry2004-04-12 16:52:58
just blood pressure? oh man
假博士2004-04-12 17:02:36
Don;t worry about it.
丫丫不小了2004-04-12 17:54:55
随风飞扬2004-04-12 18:13:43
hopehelps2004-04-12 19:03:03
here is some information