jack_huang_20002007-07-09 19:27:24
I applied green card through NIW. My I-485 was approved. But unfortunately my wife case is still pending. I’m now working in a Pharmaceutical company with major of Plant Biology (I’m applying NIW with this major), since I got my green card:

1. Can I change job to Computer Science field?
2. If I change job to Computer Science field, whether this will affect my wife pending I-485 case?
3. If I change job, whether USCIS will revoke my green card?

Thank you very much,

xiaobaitu2007-07-09 19:29:33
回复:请xiaobaitu, radiology, pjang 等大虾指教
GCinNSC2007-07-09 19:32:12
Any 6 mons after GC limitation?
xiaobaitu2007-07-09 20:00:14
No limitation for NIW
GCinNSC2007-07-09 20:23:49
How about after LC GC, get laid off in 6 months?
xiaobaitu2007-07-09 20:44:59
laid off should be no problem under AC 21, that isn't
GCinNSC2007-07-09 20:54:32
Thanks XBT, My situation is I will get laid off after I get GC.
GCinNSC2007-07-09 20:57:16
Sorry for the confusion, I mean laid off after GC.
xiaobaitu2007-07-09 21:45:08
GCinNSC2007-07-09 22:34:15
jack_huang_20002007-07-09 22:57:47
回复:Thank XBT very much, you are so nice!!!