doshexh2007-07-11 02:00:04
Just read 好文重发-我为什么要游行.

In this article, the author states主要原因: 反对DoS和USCIS的粗暴做法,别忘了他们作为政府是为我们纳税人服务的.(最后那个S:service - 我们的小费给的可是>30%.)

I don’t see the announcement made by DOS and USCIS was粗暴做法. The reality is there is no valid visa number. By law USCIS can accept I-485 only when there are visa numbers available. If the stop of accepting application because of visa number is a 粗暴做法, this 粗暴做法 happened several times before.

“别忘了他们作为政府是为我们纳税人服务的.” It is even ridiculous. Remember, it is US government, not your government. 政府是为我们纳税人服务的? So the Iraq war has to stop to serve you? 纳税人? What does this to do with GC application? You earn money, you pay tax. It is law. That’s simple. Law does not say “The foreign tax payers have to get US citizenship immediately”. Tax is nothing to do with what you are protesting.

(最后那个S:service - 我们的小费给的可是>30%.): Funny. Where did you file your tax? USCIS or IRS? You don’t know the function of different government agencies. If this is your reason to protest, you should protest IRS, not USCIS. The USCIS does not just serve foreigners like you and me, but also US citizens. In you eye, USCI Service is like a restaurant, where it serves you and you pay tips. How funny it is.

要求道歉,我是小农,要求赔款. I admire you to say that, because this is what you really want to achieve. But that's also why I said your protest will change nothing, and will not get support. This protest is very personal. If you could get 赔款, you would not protest. How could this protest be justified?

“即使没40万,10万也总有的.”. My friends, it is not about the people number; it is about visa number. I wish USCIS still had 40万 visa number, but the reality is none exits.

同理,我也不认为Lawsuit能改变这一点.不过我会参加lawsuit,不只是壮声势,说不定可以赔钱哪! It further proves the real motive of this protest which will not support by majority people. Since you are so personal, how could you expect others to help you? The simple question is why we need to buy your ticket?

主题我觉得选得很好,就是抗议美国大人滥用职权,损害了我们合法移民和纳税人的权利. What is your theme? The theme should be changed to “I WANT MY MONEY BACK”. USCIS does not take any of your money. It is your attorney and post office took your money. USCIS never says you need to hire an attorney. It was your decision to have your attorney. So why protest USCIS to get your money back? On the other hand, when you made a bad investment, such as stock or buying house, do you protest to get money back? It does not make sense. If you did everything yourself, which you should, you wouldn’t have too much financial loss.

希望有更多的人能够站出来,发出我们中国人的声音. I wish you all the best in your protest, I'm really sympathy about your loss, but don’t use Chinese name as a whole.

Take care yourself in new protesting this weekend.

You may not agree with what I said. Civil response will be appreciated. No response will be given if anyone wants to evoke the fighting.
昔日2007-07-11 03:01:43
gurululu2007-07-11 03:45:27
good one! Ding!
宏扬正气2007-07-11 03:56:40
mugen2007-07-11 05:22:43
山中小路2007-07-11 05:58:24
山中小路2007-07-11 06:01:24
mugen2007-07-11 07:13:34
虚心请教大家啦2007-07-11 12:42:54
虚心请教大家啦2007-07-11 13:01:08
山中小路2007-07-11 18:51:26
虚心请教大家啦2007-07-11 20:23:48
who's responsible for 失误? if 失误 explains everything