4rfv5tgb2007-07-12 18:44:43

I started LC by end of 2003 on EB3, just came out from BEC.
During long waiting time, I believe the total number of Chinese who waiting Green Card is not a big number.

Reason 1.
90% Chinese came to US with F1 visa, by US embassy in China, every year, they issued about 20,000 F1 visa. So that mean every year we have 20,000 Chinese came to US on F1. Then they change to H1.

Most of that 3 years long 165,000 H1 visa have been used by Indian. I think all Chinese came to US by F1 visa. Every year we have 10,000 green card number, and not all F1 can change to H1. Adn some of F1 need 5 years
for PhD.

Reason 2.
Perm approved about 10,000 Chinese from 5/2005 to 3/2007, this is 7.5% of worldwide approaved perm. Most of Chinese are through LC. NIW and EB1 are only 10% of total of us.So my point is for PD between 5/2005 to 3/2007, one year Green Card number can cover all of them.

Reason 3.
BEC of LC, total 360,000. approaved 180,000. The PD in BEC are from 1999 to 3/2005. All these people had H1 visa.Again most H1 visa hold by Indian, not Chinese.

The story about 300,000 can file I-485 on July, I think only about 20,000 are Chinese.

Reason 4.
The most reader after July 2nd are below 4000 at this web site. The e-mail collection ware only about 100, so I believe there are not so many Chinese
are waiting for Green Card.

So I think Most of Green Card waiter are Indian and Mexican, not Chinese.

This my personal opinion only. Do not take it seriously.

大豆腐2007-07-12 18:48:35
black07022007-07-12 19:02:47
回复:我的律师也说应没多少剩在BEC了. 但EB3到june还只停在06/2003,又说明什么问题呢?
black07022007-07-12 19:05:56
more. there is one important thing you forgot to count!!
yeeha2007-07-12 19:11:08
回复:Is Green Card number enough for Our Chinese?
black07022007-07-12 19:16:50
回复:这么说, 前几年190,000/year的h1b成了罪魁祸首了!
gc20202007-07-12 19:18:37
回复:回复:Is Green Card number enough for Our Chinese?
4rfv5tgb2007-07-12 19:19:17
回复:more. there is one important thing you forgot to count!!
gc20202007-07-12 19:19:49
回复:回复:这么说, 前几年190,000/year的h1b成了罪魁祸首了!
4rfv5tgb2007-07-12 19:20:17
Dear Black0702 :more. there is one important thing you forgot to
gc20202007-07-12 19:21:34
there are miles of differences between
truthiness2007-07-12 19:22:20
回复:回复:这么说, 前几年190,000/year的h1b成了罪魁祸首了!
black07022007-07-12 19:23:49
回复:hehe, 中国的EB3也好不到哪去.看来在EB类的名额没改善之前,控制h1b名额还是应该的啦.
truthiness2007-07-12 19:26:10
at least in my Univ
black07022007-07-12 19:32:29
回复:kao! 应把h1b多留些给F1的学生!好多拿h1b直接进来的都有猫腻!!
CARN2007-07-12 19:59:57
You forgot huge number of Philipo Nurses, EB3
black07022007-07-12 20:07:12
回复:不懂请教: nurses 和 EB3(LC based)的485是一个坑里的?
CARN2007-07-12 20:21:30
Yes. Let's why Philipo EB3 is seriously backlogged