helpyg2007-07-14 06:12:32
485 was denied and we received a copy from the lawyer and found the 140 it talked about is not ours. It is said the 140( which is not ours) is denied, thus the 485 (which is ours) will be denied too. ( we have checked the status of the 140,( which is not ours, )actually the status is approved.Very weird!
the denial letter said we can not appeal. But the whole thing is not regarding our case, except the i485 number is ours.
Our 140 status is eb1 pending, NIW approved.

Please advise, could this error be cleared by info pass, or CSR in uscis, or the MTR with $385?
d_outside2007-07-14 06:18:51
CIS is panic or do this on purpose ! Too many erros on me!
howcome2007-07-14 06:27:20
gc20202007-07-14 13:58:34
it's a cis way to ask you to donate-I290B
云水三千2007-07-14 15:58:18
XBT, could you help with this case?
chairmanmiao20052007-07-14 17:14:45
Could it be your lawyer's error?
xiaobaitu2007-07-14 20:42:33
你必须file a motion to reopen the case with $385,but don't
gc20202007-07-14 21:34:50
mtr filed with i-290b since two years ago
helpyg2007-07-15 00:26:21
回复:Could it be your lawyer's error?