sander2004-04-23 18:08:46
I work as an Engineer in a small factory, My OPT expires after Oct.1st, my H-1 begins May 1st. My boss is not satisfied with my performance very much recently. Thers is not design work. I am ME Ph.D. but he asked me to work as operator technician. I am not good at producing products using hand and I can not accept the kind of work from my heart. I feel he will lay off me since he think he paid me well and I do not want to the labor work. In that case, I would rather quit before May 1st, so I have 3 month OPT left.My question is:
If he lays off me between May 1st and Oct.1st, is my OPT still can be used or it is invalid since my H-1 begins? If OPT is invalid, I have to change to H-4 (my wife has H-1).
I want to talk with him, if he just wants me to do labor work. I have to quit. I tolerate a lot, it is just too much.