JustMoveToSD2007-07-25 21:13:45
My EAD application was recieved at NSC on May 4th. So far there is no update on my case. It's been over 80 days now.

Anybody had experience of sending an expedite request to NSC? any negative impact?

I'm in a rush to get the EAD as a pending offer is waiting.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot!
radiology2007-07-25 21:16:57
回复:local office不能给你EAD,但能帮你查帮你加快
gcquestions2007-07-25 21:21:36
你的例子我的太象了. 我们给USCIS打过电话,
JustMoveToSD2007-07-25 21:35:02
Thans for the reply, radiology and gcquestions, but..
gcquestions2007-07-25 21:51:33
I don't know there's an expedite request. 如果有, 我也会试的.